Reasonable Ratings ***~
I cant believe the amount of people giving this game 10s.
Your just making the creator of this game worst.
Ok Ofcourse the graphics were good for a flash but pixolated graphics at this time can be very irritating. Other than the the graphics were good-ok for a mini game like this. Passing through walls/buildings(not all odjects), I dont like that idea either.
The interactivity was ok I like the speed up and picking ojects idea.
The sound.......... The sound were a bit weird as if it was being recorded or too bufferish. BUT the music you put. Were excellent. There was this one song I liked, where everytime you defeated the boss. That song was great.
This game was good in general. If you just bumped it up just a lil bit more. This game will be better.
About the song... whats the title of it?